Time to Organize those totes!

This SET OF 12 TAGS FOR LABELING YOUR storage boxes...you print and cut out, sooooo easy. I have many totes and boxes to store my holidays decorations and other important items that I need to store rather than keep out. These are a perfect way to clearly label your boxes...and they look good too! Pack away your old bills, books, old receipts, and baby clothes/toys/mementos. You can also use them for each holiday as part of your decor. These are on ETSY
There are the following: Everyday decorations, Bills, Easter, Baby mementos, Books, Receipts, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4 th of July, St. Patricks, and Valentine. They measure: 2 7/16" x 4 3/4".
Label your items....keep better track of your boxes and containers.
Great for holidays.
Here are my Titanic books...I have a whole suitcase full.  I love reading about this subject.
I have way too many totes for holidays and things I want to keep....I am always trying to downsize but I always have the same amount of totes full.  I guess I should stop buying...he he he.