Party on...lil Shamrock!

This is my new pattern: Party shamrocker stitchery pattern, #280
This is on my ETSY
This is a Irish cutie! The stitchery is an easy, quick, and fun project to make up for this fun holiday. Framing it in a hoop is so fast. Design in hoop measures: 4"x 4".
I don't drink beer...but this party guy looked like he would indulge.  I am more a margarita girl or maybe some sweet wine. 
What are you going to do on St. Patrick's day?  We may go to our town parade...or simply wear some green and party on.  My sister is coming to I know we will be having fun.
I am Irish but even if I was not... I know I would wear green. he he he.

Come to the party....Whipperberry friday many cool items made by talented people!