SPRING - Freebie friday stitchery design

We have snow here in Eastern Washington.....but I am still hoping spring will get here soon!
This is a freebie design for you....stitch it up into a little heart pillow maybe.  Use a satin stitch to fill in the dark area of the word "Spring".  Whenever the weather is bad and I want to be cozy inside...I just grab my stitcheries and stitch.  It also keeps me from snacking. 
Last weekend I watched the old movie "The Collector"...talk about creepy yet good.  I also watched "The Grapes of wrath"....which always makes me feel really grateful for everything we have. 
Today I am going to the Spring arts and craft show at the fairgrounds....it is going to be so much FUN!!! 
I am no longer in those shows...which is a little sad....but now I have so much more time to design and run my business.....plus I get to SHOP....woo hoo!

Come join the party at Whipperberry friday flair...so many cool projects  people have been making!