Whimsical pendants

I love to solder pendants....I have made hundreds...I've made them to sell and for gifts.  I made so many I got burned out doing it for a long while. I love how it is a tiny piece of art...wrapped up tight between glass and silvergleem. 

This is what it says on the back of the first pendant shown.  It is funny isn't it!
These are all on my Mrs. Tiddlemouse etsy site

This is one of the reason I collect old photos...to use in art.  Each one I have made is different.

Girl power!

This gal looks like she is naughty....her husband is not going to control her.

I also collect saying and made an ebook of them so they are handy.  I always refer to it and add more to the pages as I go.

She is sweet

So she is queen of the garden.

This girl is also so sweet....

or is she?  ha ha
We have all been naughty from time to time!
I am going to put on more soon....but I won't be making any brand new ones because designing and business has me busy all the time.  Once they are sold....they will be gone forever.  I keep my  pictures though....fun to browse through sometimes.