Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

This is my freebie for this Friday!  This picture is a real treasurer.  Imagine the rough road she had in her life!  Not only was she a woman....she was an odd looking gal.  It almost looks like she has a leather jacket on.  Maybe she was a wild woman from the old west!
This would be great on an altered art project.  You could make her into a card with a caption:
 "It's all fun and games until the whiskey runs out!".... or
"Housework makes me ugly".
"She was one frozen entree from a nervous breakdown".
"She would show him naughty!".
I could go on forever!! I love funny quotes.  Anyway...I hope she had a good life and changed the world in some small way. 
Try to keep cozy...winter is coming!  It snowed here last night!