Preemie Mini Valentine Flash Cards

Cute is in the air....these lil flash cards are so sweet....perfect for Valentine decorating.

They look so cute amongst your decor...and also make a great statement in doesn't take over the page.

I cross-stitched that heart years ago....I was sure nutty over cross-stitch....still think it is sweet.  ***These are great tucked in a card, MAKE AS TAGS, sweet in a dolls hands, use in altered art or collage art, bookmarks, and much more.

The mini flash cards are on my Etsy.  The words you get are: Cherish, Heart, Aphrodisiac, Smitten, Roses, I'm yours, Romeo, Juliet, chocolate, sexy, U R GR8, Beloved, Precious, Passion, Love, Sweet, Cutie, Bliss, Desire, Hugs, BFF, Kiss, Hot, Romance, February 14, Valentine, and Cupid. Each one comes with a number. They measure: 2 1/2" x 1". Only $3.29.

Snowing here...first snow fall in a long long time....yikes!

Come join the fun at Whipper Berry Friday flair....see so many pretty projects from a bunch of talented people.....beautiful site....I follow it all the time!