Love makes us flip- kitty freebie friday & sneak peak

Yay!!!!! It's freebie Friday...and I am actually doing it on time!!!!!  Whee!!!
This is a cat flipping for freebie design.  Just copy and paste/save on your computer.....print and stitch up.  I am a huge cat lover!  I love dogs too but I lately am very allergic to most dogs :(
I wasn't allergic to my dog Linus though...we had him for 12 years. 
I love mice!!!  This is my newest pattern....almost done....just a few more things to do with it.
I love working with wool, feels so good!  You can never have enough pin cushions!  This is now available in my Esty store.  Also this pinkeep is on My Patternmart!

These mice are totally in love!!!   They are thinking it is time to get hitched!
The heart is on a pin....just remove the pin and it is an everyday pin cushion.  One could change the pin to a shamrock shape to make them ready for St. Patrick's day....he he.
Have you decorated for Valentine's Day?  What is your favorite decoration? I would love to hear from you!

Come see the amazing talents at Whipper Berry Friday many handmade unique fun!
Also come to Made by you monday...  by Skip to my Lou!
And here is another....Somewhat party