Fun Mom tag

Here is a tag I made ....I always put it out during mother's day.  She has passed many years ago now.....but the love I still feel for her is sooooo strong!  She was a beautiful woman and I really don't know how she did it all.
To make a tag for your mom or to remember your mom....get you pics out and find a good one.  You can age a tag by rubbing brown ink on a toothbrush and rubbing the toothbrush over the tag....on edges.
This pic was a black and white...which I added a lil pink blush to the cheeks to make her light up.  I cut out around her and cut off the skirt I can add a fabric skirt.

I glued the photo onto the tag and hot glued a little scrap of fabric for a skirt.  I added the ribbon belt to finish it better.  I added floral clipart and then stamped the word "Mom" on it.  Now....whenever I see my lil tag....I think of her at her prime....a woman who was going to conquer the world...and she could have!

Just had to show she is on a pendant I made....wearing a party hat!  She was the life of the party....she didn't drink...but she was fun and people wanted to listen to her and be with her.
Her name was Betty Lou!
I was her baby and we were super close.  Now I have a daughter and she is my baby (one and only) and we are super close.
If you still have your mom.....give her a big old hug and say won't regret it! 

Come to the party....Whipperberry party!