Freebie friday- kitty & women

Isn't this kitty the cutest?  I love to see a farm cat pic....reminds me of all the pics my mom had taken when she was a teen in Oregon....always with a cat in her arms.
These are my freebie Friday pictures.  This cat could say "Iz a great mouser!"

These ladies are sewing a patriotic!  They look like they could use a night of a margarita and a whiskey river burger at Red Robin...he he he.

Love these fashionable ladies....mother and daughter.  I should have had a picture of me and my mom done like this....oh well.  My mom and I had matching dresses once..I was 2 at the floral dresses she had sewn up.

I have used this pic many times in my artwork....I like how she is looking at you....she can see you! 
Don't get spooked out....she is friendly. 
Today my daughter is planting trees in ecology class....she is in middle school.....I don't remember having the option to take Ecology?  What ever happened to cooking or sewing?
Have a great weekend.