Happy Tuesday to you!
I wanted to share pics of my studio with you...It will take a while...but today I am showing you my yarn, strings, & streamers.
I love collecting these items....I do not crochet....simply because I never know what to do at the end of a row...lol.
I use these items to craft with though.
Here I have a child's shopping cart that I spray painted gold.
It was at a thrift store...all rusty and dirty.
The white cart is a plant stand....goodwill.
I love to store my yarns there.
I use these with tags, adding to quilts and stitcheries, on presents, as pieces of any collage, and doll hair.
Here is my cute drying rack...I use it to hold my baskets of goodies!
This way I can see pretty easily what I need.
Most every item comes from a thrift store....I do not need more than one of each since I am not crocheting or knitting.
I have every color of party streamer there is....they make great badges.(I have made patterns for every badge possible). Party streamers are so cheap and I feel they are so underestimated in crafting.

My badges...here is one of the Christmas ones.
I love the stringy glittery kind on yarn!
At the top of my rack are spools of ribbon, yarn in the wire vase, and thread.
Wow, my fan is looking like it just might fly away.
I got those lights in the background in the summer....for my birthday.
Red ribbon ...ready for Christmas,Valentines day, and the Fourth of July.
I don't need any more...no place to put it!
This is by my Sewing area....threads...and my spools of tulle.
I LOVE Tulle.
Great for my party hats and lots of other crafting goodness.