My booth at WSQ show

Here are a few more pictures of my booth at the quilt show.
I had one of my best shows this year...yay!
It's a good thing since our 2 cars are acting up....I hate car problems.

Here is my ghost...cheesecloth city!
People always smile at this guy.


I love all the holidays as you can see....they are such happy times.

Halloween ornies stars

Spooky silly creatures!

Everyone wanted to buy him....had to keep him for my samples of patterns.

I hung this back up in my older patterns but still popular.

This kitty changes his banner for the four seasons.

Holiday mice!

Here are my french ornaments.

Halloween sampler first offical pattern

I have tons of wool pin patterns.....for every time of the year.....uses up those tiny scraps of wool.

I love raggedy ann

more raggedy ann....each month represented in this quilt.

I hung my hoop art embroideries on a lil ladder.
All my patterns are on either my etsy(digital), my patternmart, or my website (printed & mailed).

The looked so empty when we packed up.
Thanks to everyone who made me feel like a queen and I really appreciated it!