Wow....this week just flew by...I think because it began with a holiday.
I just want to say ....stay cozy to all of you in a deep freeze....what terrible weather.
Here in Eastern is about 30 degrees and snow on the ground....not terrible but it could be better (like no snow).
Please check out....The Create It Club ...tons of goodies for $5!
It is a fun club....where you get an extraordinary amount of goodies....for only 5 dollars a month.
It is a fun club....where you get an extraordinary amount of goodies....for only 5 dollars a month.

First you get a huge list of sayings for all year long, a create sign, pic of victorian girl, mannequin pattern drawing, and more....then
You will also receive a Create it club email.....every Friday.....that will include:
*a FREE pattern of mine each month
*several exclusive drawings/designs to stitch or use in scrapbooking, craft project...etc...per month
*Holiday home decor ideas, tutorials, and more
*A fun of my fav from my collection
*Business advice for Creative business people like you!
*Vintage clipart
*My favorite links and products
*extra goodies (Surprises!)
I went to our local Quilt meeting yesterday...which is huge. It was fun as usual mainly because of the speaker....Pat Speth.
She makes quilts/patterns/books on using 5" squares. I have lots of those charms packs that are 5" x 5" now I am going to get busy. I got two patterns...I really need a new quilt for my bed...sick of the others. Grandma's quilts are getting alittle frayed in spots.
Above is the freebie of the week! I hope you like the freebies....and please tell your friends about them....I would LOVE if you would mention it on your blog if you have one!!! In fact...if you mention me on your blog and have a link to me....I will send you a gift via email.....Just comment on this post to let me know. XOXO
Come to much fun!
Also..Come to ...Or so she says party
Plus....go to Pigtails and quilts