Sweet kitty cat Valentine
Here is Sweets for the sweet embroidery pillow pattern...available on my etsy
or on My Patternmart
This little kitty is giving Sweets to the sweet. There is a heart pouch to fill with goodies for your Valentine. What a fast, easy, and fun design to make. How fun would this be to receive on Valentine's Day?
This little baby is holding a flower heart.
This is the heart pouch ...I bought heart suckers at walmart...only a dollar for a bouquet of them.
Finished design measures: 9 3/4" x 7".
Embroidery design: 3 7/8" x 5 3/8".I also want to show you another mini mannequin....it is on Etsy. It is the finished product. I made this a week or so ago when I made the Valentine mannequin that has sold.
This one is colorful and fun.
What a sweet sewing room treasure...a small dressform to keep you pins and thread handy.
This is a one of a kind!This is the perfect size of pincushion to have near your sewing machine or on your side/coffee table while you work on projects.
Mannequin with stand: 3"(at shoulders) x 8 5/8" tall.It comes with pins, white buttons around neck like a necklace , sweet tulle skirt, "Sweet" banner pin, blue thread, and a bright cheerful pom poms filled stand. The ribbons are pink scrunched seam binding and pink glittery yarn. The fabric I used is the sweetest pins fabric...a white background....with pins that have colorful heads.
Here is the back of the mannequin.
I design the pattern for this....it is on my etsy too...called Mini mannequin pattern
I have to end with a great quote:
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
Thrifting with Sue
On Saturday...I went Thrifting with my pal Sue. It was an entire day of laughing, scoring cool items, and enjoying ourselves. We had a blast finding cool supplies to sew and craft with. I want to share some of the things I got!
One store had great quilt books and patterns.....what a steal ...I mean deal!
An antique store had these sweet Valentine hankies. Only one dollar!
These hands crack me up....the whole section of this thrift store had old plastic doll heads...arms and legs....so funny. I should have taken a picture. My daughter thought these were pretty creepy. I have no idea why I got them.
Buttons!!! I love white buttons...they go with everything.
I make tons of flash cards for every holiday and occasion.....but I love these ones too.....I have a big collection. I guess I love how helpful they were when growing up and they are so sweet.
I like these tiny wreaths.
Charms! 49 cents....for all
Sue got this for my daughter...she is a freshman in high school It really made us laugh!
This cracks me up- How to make a success of your teen years....this is from 1953....every bit of info is out of date or not useful....lol.
Look at the authors name....poor guy probably got teased like crazy. My great great uncle was called Gaylord....can't imagine how that went.
Oh yeah...that is how dances are....NOT!
I LOVE Peanuts and Charlie Brown stuff. This was a whole dollar. I love the saying.
I had to glitter it up and tie a Martha Stewart piece of glittery yarn to the top.
Now it is sitting in my Valentine decor...yeah!
Move Forward in your life
Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?
Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?
Mary Manin Morrissey
I must think about this....long and hard. Releasing fear is so difficult, but so is releasing hurt sometimes. So much of what stops us...is in our own mind!
I want good energy~
This snowman is stretching out and releasing love!
This pattern is Be Mine snowman...on my Etsy
Days of Heaven- a movie fav

One of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen is:
Days of heaven.
Yes...it's Richard Gere...back in the late 70's.
When you watch this.....your really appreciate living now... life is much more fair now. People really had to work hard...just to survive! But the movie shows how lovely life is...those simple moments that we overlook.
It features lovely music...Listen to the opening song
The cinema photography won an Oscar....they soooo deserved it!
Love the farm house....yes I will take that! It needs a tree however!
Love the little girl in this...she is the narrator!
I won't tell you what happens....but it involves love, what is right, and the hard life of 1916.
I just thought I would share this with you...I will share more movie favs from time to time! In the past I have talked about "Midnight in Paris" and "Picnic". I love all kinds of movies!
Flowers of love- freebie design
Wow....this week just flew by...I think because it began with a holiday.
I just want to say ....stay cozy to all of you in a deep freeze....what terrible weather.
Here in Eastern Washington....it is about 30 degrees and snow on the ground....not terrible but it could be better (like no snow).
Please check out....The Create It Club ...tons of goodies for $5!
It is a fun club....where you get an extraordinary amount of goodies....for only 5 dollars a month.
It is a fun club....where you get an extraordinary amount of goodies....for only 5 dollars a month.

First you get a huge list of sayings for all year long, a create sign, pic of victorian girl, mannequin pattern drawing, and more....then
You will also receive a Create it club email.....every Friday.....that will include:
*a FREE pattern of mine each month
*several exclusive drawings/designs to stitch or use in scrapbooking, craft project...etc...per month
*Holiday home decor ideas, tutorials, and more
*A fun recipe....one of my fav from my collection
*Business advice for Creative business people like you!
*Vintage clipart
*My favorite links and products
*extra goodies (Surprises!)
I went to our local Quilt meeting yesterday...which is huge. It was fun as usual mainly because of the speaker....Pat Speth.
She makes quilts/patterns/books on using 5" squares. I have lots of those charms packs that are 5" x 5"....so now I am going to get busy. I got two patterns...I really need a new quilt for my bed...sick of the others. Grandma's quilts are getting alittle frayed in spots.
Above is the freebie of the week! I hope you like the freebies....and please tell your friends about them....I would LOVE if you would mention it on your blog if you have one!!! In fact...if you mention me on your blog and have a link to me....I will send you a gift via email.....Just comment on this post to let me know. XOXO
Come to Whipperberry...so much fun!
Also..Come to ...Or so she says party
Plus....go to Pigtails and quilts
Remember who you wanted to be
Let's get inspired!
I hope you are going for your dreams...and making it happen. Sure sometimes things get in the way. Sometimes you have to hold on to your old job while you also pursue your dream job. Sometimes you need to brainstorm and break it down in small steps... to see what you need to do.
I used to think I was too old to follow my dreams. That I was passed it! I swear I considered my prime to be a few months when I was 21! Now I know.... I am 45 and I can go for what I want! I think we are sometimes are own worst enemy. Going for what you want takes baby steps...it takes going for one thing at a time. I have a painting I made that sits in my studio...it says..."One day at a time"....I didn't make it for the TV show (which I used to love!). I have to remind myself of this...each day is a gift too.
Remember who you wanted to be sign is on my etsy.
We also need to have fun each and everyday! Sometimes the simplest pleasures make the greatest memories....like walking in the snow with your family, laughing while watching America's funniest videos, dancing to the latest crazy song...played full blast, making dinner together, and playing a fierce game of monopoly.
Gather happy memories sign is on my etsy.
Lastly....Let's be bold and love ourselves fully.
Whenever I am feeling down....I get myself pumped up (on purpose). I talk to my family/friends and try to vent alittle (not too much)....and give myself my own pep talk....remember how wonderful you are and all that you are thankful for!
Truly madly deeply sign is on my etsy.
I hope you go for your dreams and live your life to the fullest....WHAT CAN YOU DO TODAY TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS HAPPEN?
sneaky peaky- sweets for the sweet
Hello everyone!
It is MLK day....my daughter is off and we are considering a walk in the snow....so cold though.
I guess it should be cold in January....but sometimes I wish for a heat wave!
This is a sneaky peaky of my new pattern.....it should be ready very soon! I just love stitching up sweet sweet faces. There is something so soothing about hand embroidery.
I keep doing extra fun stuff instead of things I know I need to get done...do you do this too!
On the weekend we enjoyed shopping, making a beautiful cake, a movie "Django", cooking Cornish game hens, being silly, watching football, taking pics, and much more!
I did do laundry....he he he.
These geese from Riverfront park seem to enjoy the weather...they looked at us like we had spiders dancing on our heads!
I asked the white one how he she keeps her whites so white....still thinking about my laundry!
Gotta get doing my duties!
Old Valentines- corny sayings
Oh My!!! I love old Valentines...but I especially love the CORNY sayings on them!
They always have a way of using a word...like Scent and changing it up for cent....with perfume....like the valentine above.
Valentines are not like this anymore...too bad!
The drawings are so cute too. Look at the cute pudgy arms and legs.
This one from Germany has a different feel. He looks goofy!
Now that is a fan! These are proof that the world isn't always getting better....somethings were better back in the day!
Here is the first valentine without the script. What a cutie she is!
Have fun with these!
Valentine Dress form mannequin pinkeep
I'm feeling that is "Love" is in the air. I am ready to decorate for Valentine's day...so the dreariness of winter can go away.
I made up a mini VALENTINE mannequin dress form pin cushion from my
Mini mannequin pattern on Etsy. SOLD ...sorry:(
This lil gem is for sale...something I rarely do.
I usually don't have time to make up extras of my patterns....but I wanted to "Play" yesterday. I had some much fun goofing around....I mean working. The pattern is fun because it looks completely different depending on the fabric you choose.
I love the banner pin and heart charm!
This is the perfect size of pincushion to have near your sewing machine or on your side/coffee table while you work on projects.
Mannequin with stand: 3"(at shoulders) x 8" tall. This is the back...cute huh!
I added a red thread and the base has sweet lil white buttons.
It comes with pins, heart charm with safety pin, sweet tulle skirt, "Love" banner pin, red thread, and a button filled stand. The ribbons are red scrunched seam binding and pink thick yarn. The fabric I used is from my stash...valentine fabric that you can't get anymore....it is a cream background with pink and red hearts with a touch of gold...just like Valentines had in the day!
I remember just loving shopping for Valentines for the class...only wished they didn't say all those lovey-dovey sentiments....who wanted to give someone you barely knew (and who had boogers on his face) one that said "Valentine ...I pick you". LOL~
Sweet Berries in the snow
Good Winter day to you all!
I had to say something nice and positive about this season...he he he.
I wanted to share some more Photos from my daughters Etsy site....Peacock Gumdrop!
She took the berries and snow pic in our yard. I just want to confess one thing...I am not a gardener and always wish I would get my yard pulled together....so my daughter "finds" beauty in our yard with her camera!
I had to say something nice and positive about this season...he he he.
I wanted to share some more Photos from my daughters Etsy site....Peacock Gumdrop!
She took the berries and snow pic in our yard. I just want to confess one thing...I am not a gardener and always wish I would get my yard pulled together....so my daughter "finds" beauty in our yard with her camera!
I love this one! We went on a walk by the Spokane River....where no one would in their right mind would go...and we spotted these huge rocks with moss and icicles. I don't no how the moss stays green in such cold temps.
Selina changed up her barn photo to make it look like a very old photo. I need to remind you ...that she is 15! She knows how to use the computer in every way!
Here is lucky and she altered it to look like a canvas....our cat should have been a model....he thinks!
I am so proud of my daughter...she wants to live her life to the fullest and dream big dreams!
Fun Valentine Hoop art
Hey Everyone!
Are you thinking Valentine's day?
I got a new sewing machine for Christmas...and started playing with it. It has a free motion quilting feature....I think a lot of sewing machines are coming with this now. I decided to whip up some easy Valentine hoop art.
I just ironed some cool fabric and lowered the feed dogs on my sewing machine (that is the little edged area that gets the fabric to move along in the sewing machine).
I put on my quillting foot instead of the straight stitch foot.
You might want to practice this with scraps of fabric.
I cut out hearts to lay on my fabric.
I just stitched like a kid....very random and crazy. It is important to hold the fabric tight.
See my crazy stitching. After I was done sititching...
See my crazy stitching. After I was done sititching...
I put the design in a hoop...pulled very tight...and tightened the knob at the top of the hoop.
I cut down the excess fabric in the back to a 1/2" inch and then hot glue the fabric towards the back hoop. The little banner is just stamping words (Stamp pad and alphabet letters) on tea-dyed muslin....cutting into a banner shape. I then ran clear tacky glue along the edges of the words and sprinkled glitter on the edges and let dry.
I then hot glued the words on the hoop art.
I then hot glued the words on the hoop art.
I love glitter....so I added a red glitter heart to one of the hearts in the hoop.
This is a fun project...and easy.
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