You probably know by now that I love mice...fake ones that are sweet! They have been really popular...these are all my designs...all patterns in my collection. I think I like how delicate they are and how you can make them look like characters.
This one is giving Santa a gift of a Candy cane.

I have always imagined the poem...Twas the night before Christmas....that the mice are getting into the stockings.

These guys are patriotic...getting into Betsy Ross' sewing supplies.

This one is a romantic at heart!

Midnight snack...Candy corn...yum!

I am part Irish....love the wearing of the green!

These are naughty Valentine mice...Cinderella like!

Christmas is the time of year when enemy's forget there fighting and come together.

This mouse can't help but don some bunny ears for Easter.

Raggedy Ann and her pals...candy cane dreams!
I need to make a Thanksgiving mouse design...but time is fleeting by!
Why is it that time flys by now....and was so slow when we were young?
Check out my MICE on Etsy.