It is almost time for BACK TO SCHOOL. Can that be possible? When it is 96 degrees...it seems crazy.
My daughter can't wait...she will be in high school. Woot Woot!
My daughter can't wait...she will be in high school. Woot Woot!
My Cat quilt has a funny stitchery design....depicting kids going back to school.
This is a single design and also a design in a Big quilt.

This is fun for teachers.

I got an old annual from the sixties at a thrift store....so fun to look at the pics and read the messages.

These are cute in scrapbooks....the first day of school pics we all take of our kids.
School in Washington doesn't start until Sept 5th....but I know others around the country are starting...so enjoy the rest of the summertime if ya can!